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2 posts tagged with "Thirdweb"

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Superchain App Accelerator

· One min read
Building Okay Bet

Superchain Accelerator

Okay Bet received a $5,000 grant from the OP x Thirdweb Superchain App Accelerator program. This grant will be used to sponsor all transaction fees for Inapp wallets. This means you as a user can make and settle your bets all for free. Actually Okay Bet is not even currently monetized, this is costing me money. The least you could do is use it!

Bets With Friends

· One min read
Building Okay Bet

The idea for Okay Bet started at the Base Onchain Summer Hackathon. Thirdweb sponsored the gaming track, and I decided to make a betting game based on escrow contracts in the parody style of Words with Friends.

Bets With Friends was deployed on the Base Sepolia testnet and, while janky, had the core betting functionality working great.

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Unfortunately, my entry did not become a finalist, but I choose to believe it is due to Coinbase and our other lovely sponsors not wanting anything to do with appearing to sponsor gambling. I do not share those reservations, so I decided to continue with Okay Bet.